Featured Press
The startup offers intimate, customized studio time with creatives around the world—a fresh take on finding local perspectives.
VAWAA is designed for the intellectual traveler who prefers rich cultural immersion to ordinary sun-seeking.
For the restless creative type who wants to learn a new skill while on holiday.
Ditch the touristy stuff in favor of a curated studio session with a global artist.
Go on holiday with a local artist and learn the tricks of the trade.
Week's Top 5
For adventure travellers, sabbatical-seekers, artists and designers craving to explore the world while sharing ideas with like-minded people.
Featured in Slovenian National TV. Starts at 18:10
Very Tempting
Fascinating travel experience. Also provides local craftsmen an external source of income.
Better than a workcamp or an internship abroad.
Unforgettable Vacation
Unites travelers with creators from all over the world.
Latest Press
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Take A 'Vacation With An Artist'
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VAWAA : L'Airbnb des créatifs
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This Travel Startup Lets You Vacation with Artists from around the World
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Travel Startup Lets You Vacation with Artists from around the world
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This Travel Startup Lets You Vacation with Artists from around the World
March 21, 2017 - Business World Disrupt
An Artsy Way to Holiday
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VAWAA, l’agence qui propose des vacances avec un artiste
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Künstleraustausch für digitale Nomaden: VAWAA macht’s möglich
June 17, 2016 - The Loop
This travel app for artists will teach you some sweet new skills
June 14, 2016 - Tripoto
This Start-Up Lets You Take A Vacation To Artists' Studios Around The World