
India > > > with Cloe in Spain

It all started when...

The concept of taking a vacation with an artist was a novel concept to start with. I did not know what to expect at first and with an open mind, signed up for this VAWAA to learn a new skill and medium of art that I wanted to explore. I was hoping to imbibe the local culture experience and gain a friend and mentor in another country. The creativity of making a mandala with thread is a new concept to me that I've never been exposed to until now, and I wanted to experience this with Cloe! Mandala as a geometric form has always fascinated me.

I made two mandalas. The first was inspired by the nature of Mallorca and the theme of "Ocean." Because the mandala ended up being completed in two days, much to our surprise, I made a second mandala that was smaller to experiment with different materials. It was all very inspiring, and I can't wait to keep weaving at home!

This VAWAA has definitely provided me with skill in a new medium, as well as a deeper understanding of the creative process and its expression. I enjoyed every minute of the experience so much that I am now looking at opportunities to share my new skill with others! I hope to be able to enhance the skill by finding ways to teach others, as well as integrate this medium into my future expressions of art.